Management consultantsUpstream supply chain
OfficeWanchai & Kwun Tong, Hong Kong SAR, China
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Our partnershipsInchainge

Let’s be honest here: Would you rather read through a dozen of slide decks (boring, boring, boring…😴) or enjoy a fun interactive session while learning? 😜

Well, we are not afraid to admit that we and our clients are tired of going through slides or theories from books. This is why we are delighted to partner with Inchainge. Through their web-based business simulation games, we train our clients to equip them with practical knowledge and experiences of the real-life scenarios. Learning can be fun or boring, be wise in which you pick!😛

Official Inchainge Partner

Official Inchainge Partner


The Blue Connection
The Cool Connection

We get it, sometimes you find yourself stuck in a functional silo at work: you can’t find a solution to resolve operational challenges; your team isn’t collaborating with others well enough; or worse, your performance is measured through siloed KPIs!😨 The biggest problem of all is not that you aren’t aware of it, but that it proves so hard to change!😔 These conundrums may appear like a daunting spider-web 🕸 you are trying to escape until you experience the true potential of collaboration and alignment that Inchainge’s business games have to offer. 🎮

Here’s why we choose to partner with Inchainge and how Inchainge’s life-like games may benefit you and your organisation:

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GCSS_TCC interface

The Cool Connection

Finance vs Supply chain
Working Capital / IBP

The Cool Connection is an innovative web-based business simulation game. It engages participants in making strategic decisions in the management of a manufacturing company of personal care products. Working in teams of four, participants will represent the functional roles of sales, purchasing, supply chain management and finance. They will be confronted with various real-life, real-time dilemmas. Cross-functional understanding and collaboration are key components, as teams work together to turn the company around and learn about: Supply Chain Risk Management, Internal or external teams Coordination, Cross-functional trade-offs in the value chain, Reacting to variations of a set of KPIs, Implications of international trade, Supply Chain Finance.

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The Blue Connection

Sustainability vs Supply chain

The Blue Connection is an innovative web-based business simulation game. It engages participants in the transformation from a linear to a circular value chain by implementing a circular strategy for a virtual e-bike manufacturer. In teams of 4, participants will represent the functional roles of VP FinanceVP PurchasingVP Supply Chain, and VP Sales. Experience the circular way of doing business for a sustainable future where success means mastery of: Valuation of materials and components, Laws and regulation, Counterparty risk, Value chain collaboration, Control mechanisms, Reverse logistics, Ownership of goods, Product quality.


of our staff are trained in climate issues

We host regular sustainability workshops!

of our energy consumption is tracked

We are committed to minimising our impact to protect our environment.

staff completion rate in compliance training

Corruption is the root of all evil. We are here to help and serve others, and we take anti-corruption practices seriously!
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OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
Hint: We are located in one of the streets in Hong Kong Island that is known for selling flooring and building materials!
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